About Us

Tapping into Quantum Magicks

Masters and Robots

The underlying magick that led to the evolution of SpatialScan started back in 2022. The Founder, JB Benjamin and Co-Founder, Carl Hayden-Smith initially developed a spatial scanning studio at Ravensbourne University London, where they went on to record the 2022 Masters and Robots Symposium Keynote Speech using a piece of software called EF EVE. During this period of experimentation and discovery, the Founder, encountered a major issue with spatial scanning experienced by many others – synchronising the point-clouds of multiple spatial cameras. The Founder went on to create a working solution for markerless camera sync with the help of our CTO, Prof. Bryan Dunphy. After successfully developing a working solution, which has subsequently been submitted for patent application, the Founder and Co-Founder closed a funding round.

On 10th November 2023, Djinn Technologies Ltd., announced the acquisition of EF EVE Ltd. and all of their intellectual property assets, including software and patents.


Compatible Spatial Sensors


Years of Spatial Scanning


Enterprise + Academic Customers

The Team

A team comprised of lead researchers and advanced developers, from England and Ireland. Between them they have over 60 years of experience, raised over $200m in funding and fathomless knowledge in their areas of expertise and specialisation.

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